Raymond F. Rickard - オンライン・メモリアル・ウェブサイト

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Raymond Rickard
85 years
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C.Bourguet My deepest condolences October 10, 2015

My condolences, as feelings of pain and bitterness become unbearable. It is my desire to convey a comforting thought based on the Holy Scriptures


  John 5:28 "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out."



This passage speaks of the resurrection of our loved ones. It is not God's plan to see us suffer and die, so He extends the following invitation to us: "Come near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8)


Please go to the following link to obtain more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage and again we are sorry for your loss.



James B IL August 26, 2015
I am sorry to hear about Raymond's death.  It is never easy to deal with the death of a loved one no matter the circumstances.  It is sad occasions like this that make us look forward to the time when God will remove all death and suffering from the earth (Revelation 21:4).
Marine Corps League Detachment 81, Peoria, IL August 23, 2015

On behalf of the Marine Corps League, Detachment 81 in Peoria, Illinois please accept our deepest and most sincere condolences on your loss.  Once a Marine, always a Marine.  Semper Fidelis

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